Peckham Social Centre Autonomous social space opening soon in Peckham 2011-12-17T13:41:14Z WordPress peckham <![CDATA[More pig problems]]> 2011-12-17T13:41:14Z 2011-12-17T13:41:14Z At about 7:45pm last night a vanload of pigs violently forced entry to the social centre. They searched the place, threatened arrest and generally tried intimidating the occupiers who were eating dinner. After a good half an hour of general wandering around and intimidating the occupiers these police left saying they’d be back with a warrant. Shortly afterwards, several more vans of police turned up and tried intimidating those who had come down to support us in solidarity. These police eventually left and were replaced with more again, a process which continued into the night.

We believe it is likely that the police are currently in the process of getting a warrant to raid the place in the near future. Please stay tuned to our blog and indymedia in case a call out for support needs to be put out in this case.

Thank you to all those who came down in support last night. Solidarity.

peckham <![CDATA[New blog!]]> 2011-12-06T17:40:30Z 2011-12-06T17:37:49Z Check out the new blog with the funky URL and our new email address:
Hopefully there’ll be no more big changes to the website from now.

Thanks for the hosting!

peckham <![CDATA[Police ‘not here for a raid’]]> 2011-12-06T17:44:18Z 2011-11-30T15:00:21Z Police are de-blocking and say ‘they are not here for a raid as far as they are aware’. This is part of the policing of protests and they claim to have suspicions of criminal damage in the area. They have said we are allowed to leave the building without being arrested but no-one is allowed in. Thanks to everyone who came to show solidarity and those still outside.
Fuck the police. Loot what you want and burn the rest.

peckham <![CDATA[UPDATE on police]]> 2011-12-06T17:44:56Z 2011-11-30T12:40:23Z more police outside now in riot gear. raid looking probable. support would be appreciated.

peckham <![CDATA[2 vans of riot police outside]]> 2011-12-06T17:46:00Z 2011-11-30T11:27:01Z There have been two vans of riot pigs outside Peckham Social Centre since 9am in a blatant intimidation attempt. This seems to be part of wider repression as part of the N30 strike policing and the Met’s bullshit ‘total policing’ agenda in general with reports of riot pigs outside the bank of ideas in the city too.

We do not think a raid is imminent but we would warn anyone who is thinking of coming down that you will probably be stopped and searched. Remember, you do not have to give personal details and that valid stop and search grounds are required. Be sure to get your stop and search receipt for your scrap book/to sue the bastards.

Solidarity with the workers out today who want to bring this and all government down.
